A Vow in One “Word”
A Heart Healing Tenet to Live By
The Beauty of Classical Arabic
To Fall in Love

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A Veiled Chick’s Outbursts
On a Personal Note

As-Salâmu ‘Alaykum ^_^

I’m a no nonsense citizen of the earth welcoming you valued guest to a curious, colourful and versatile little nook online, where I hope you will immerse yourself in my writings with your favourite cuppa, and maybe have your perceptions and perspectives tickled and challenged a tad bit inshâ’Allâh.

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I respect your inbox and time so you will not be inundated inshâ’Allâh ~ Jazâkum Allâhu Khaira.


Enlightening mindful hearts to choose a conscious, conscientious, congruent and creative lifestyle through my words, in Heart Healing Alignment with Islâm, for a resonating character and energy inshâ’Allâh.

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